Renewing your ERO certificate has never been easier!

You extend your ERO certificate quickly and efficiently with our online ERO refresher course. Your certificate extended in just 2 hours!

Hero afbeelding voor Je BHV certificaat verlengen was nog nooit zo makkelijk!

ERO refresher online, Engels

Do you want to extend your ERO certificate? With the online ERO refresher course, you meet the requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety law. You extend your ERO certificate quickly and efficiently with our online ERO refresher course. You learn more about various safety topics. Do you know how to evacuate a company building? Extinguish a starting fire? Or providing life-saving first aid?


Quickly and efficiently obtain an ERO certificate. Renewing it has never been so easy!

Completely online

Follow your online ERO course where and when you want. No intterruption of daily work.

Order easily

Choose, order and start with the online ERO refresher course.

Topics online ERO refresher course

Have you followed the online ERO refresher course online? Then you have the theoretical knowledge to carry out your tasks as an emergency response officer.

Topics covered during the course:

  • Emergency response organisation
  • Sounding the alarm
  • Evacuation
  • Fire
  • Life-saving first aid
vrouw checklist, bhv

ERO certificate

After passing the online knowledge test, you will receive the ERO certificate. You'll then be a certified ERO for a year!

How long is my ERO certificate valid?

Fortunately, in many cases you do not need to put the aquired ERO knowledga into practice. But it is important that you know what to do in an emergency. That is why following an online ERO refresher course is extra important and does your ERO certificate have a validity of one year.

Useful to know

  • Fortunately, in many cases you do not need to put the aquired ERO knowledga into practice. But it is important that you know what to do in an emergency. That is why following an online ERO refresher course is extra important and does your ERO certificate have a validity of one year.

    • Follow your online ERO refresher course where and when you want.
    • Fast and efficient ERO certificate.
    • Complete BHV herhaling cursus online met verschillende onderwerpen.
    • No hindrance to daily work.
    • The online ERO refresher course costs €32,50.
  • You follow the online ERO refresher course in 2.5 hours. In just 2.5 hours, you will be a certified emergency response officer for another year! You follow the online ERO refresher course at your own pace. You can take a break whenever you want.

  • You follow an online ERO refresher course if you are already an emergency response officer and want to obtain your ERO certificate. Do you enjoy learning individually? If so, this online ERO refresher course is perfect for you! You follow the online ERO refresher course at your own pace. And you decide when.

  • A company is obliged to take effective measures in terms of ERO (Article 3, Occupational Health and Safety Act). The programme of the online ERO refresher course has been put together in such a way that you can perform the aforementioned tasks properly.

    • Providing life-saving first aid in accidents.
    • Limiting and fighting fire and reducing the consequences of accidents.
    • Alerting and evacuating all employees and other persons in the company or facility in an emergency.

ERO basic online

Not an ERO yet? Take a look at our online ERO basic course.

Why an online ERO refresher course at

More and more students are opting for an online ERO refresher course. And we understand why! You extend your ERO certificate qucikly and efficiently with our online ERO refresher course. Ready to update your knowledge of ERO? Choose, order in our webshop and get access to our online learning environment to start with your online ERO refresher course. You follow the online ERO refresher course at your own pace.

vrouw maakt elearning, vrolijk

More information about the online ERO refresher course?

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